WESTERN Andalucia’s best birding sites

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Olivares plains

Odiel Marshes

The Coto Doñana including El Rocio, La Rocina, El Acebuche and Dehesa de Abajo

Brazo del Este including Pinzon marshes and Conde Chico,

Los Palacios area including Humeda del Pantano and Laguna de la Mejorada

La Algaida wetlands including Laguna de Tarelo, Bonanza saltpans, Monte Algaida saltpans, Lagunas de Camino Colorado and Trebujena marismas

Jerez Lagoons including Laguna de Medina, Lagunas de Terry and the Lagunas de Puerto Real

Around Vejer for Bald Ibis, White-rumped Swift and Little Bustard

La Janda,

The Sierra de la Plata, Ojen valley and Los Alcornocales National Park

Gibraltar to Tarifa including Tarifa beach, Punta Carnera, El Cabrito and Cazalla watchpoints

The following sites are all included in my book Finding Birds in Western Andalucia and many are also covered in my DVD Finding Birds in Andalucia.

Click here for a sample of the book

Click here for a trailer of the DVD series.

Click on the highlighted sites below to find photos taken in 2009. These often give a fascinating insight into what the sites used to look like.

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