The eastern bank of the Guadalquivir has two extensive areas of saltpans which are always good for waterbirds, especially waders, gulls, terns and flamingoes. In addition, a new sand-pit has been created, the Laguna de Tarelo which has been a real hotspot for White-headed Ducks – up to 200 present in winter – and now holds a significant heronry. These sites never dry out and are therefore invaluable refuges when most of the marismas of the Coto Doñana are dry. This eastern side also has a few marismas of its own, where birds such as pratincoles, sandgrouse, Lesser Short-toed Larks and Gull-billed Terns may be found. If these marismas are flooded, they can be teeming with birds including regular Marbled Duck
All the sites in this section are treated, in detail and with precise maps and directions, in my book ‘Finding Birds in Andalucia’
If you have any information which you feel would help to update the book, please email me at and I’ll add your observations to these pages
To view more sites in Andalucia click here
La Algaida
including the Bonanza salinas, the salinas de Monte Algaida, the Laguna de Tarelo and the Trebujena marismas
it is no longer necessary to obtain a permit before visiting the Bonanza saltpans - you can just drive straight in as long as you don’t interupt the work that goes on there eg don’t try walking along the minor embankments as this may damage them.
Drive at least as far as this hut to get views of as wide an area as possible
The Laguna de Tarelo now has a heronry that includes Spoonbills and Night Herons as well as the usual egrets