The road to Hoyholmen passes good habitat on both sides of the road
All the sites in this section are treated, in detail and with precise maps and directions, in my book ‘Finding Birds in Lapland’
If you have any information which you feel would help to update the book, please email me at and I’ll add your observations to these pages
To view more sites in Lapland click here
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
The scenery along Tanafjord is magnificent. The famous Gyrfalcon site is on the cliffs to the right (in shadow) will at least see the white droppings around the traditional (old?) Gyrfalcon nest
If you park at the place described in the book...
Look how corrugated the road to Hoyholmen is. But you get great views over pools and lagoons which can be good for waders and geese, including Lesser Whitefronts.