Finding Birds in EASTERN Andalucia book

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This book covers the best birding sites in Andalucia, east of Gibraltar, including the mountains around Ronda and Granada, the plains around Lantejuela and Tabernas, wetlands and hills around Campillos, the lynx hotspot near Andujar and sites along the coast from Malaga to the Cabo de Gata. As ever, it describes exactly where to find the best birds including Red-knobbed Coot, Alpine Accentor, Spanish Imperial Eagle, White-rumped Swift, Great and Little Bustard, Audouin’s Gull and many more

Note: My original Finding Birds in Andalucia book has been re-written as two books: this one and Finding Birds in Western Andalucia

Dave Gosney writes:

‘When I revisited Andalucia in 2024, to update my 2009 book on the area, I was shocked to find that many species had become much more difficult to find, including shrikes, wheatears, redstarts, larks, bustards, pipits, buntings, sparrows, woodpeckers, harriers and, especially, Sylvia warblers. If you visit this area hoping to see these species you need to be aware that there are many former sites where they have either disappeared or become much more scarce. This book describes where I was still able to find them in 2024 as well as other difficult species such as Egyptian Vulture, Red-knobbed Coot, Marbled Duck, Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush, Bonelli’s Eagle, Alpine Accentor and White-rumped Swift to give you the best possible chance of finding all the best birds of the area’                                                 

Sample pages

Sites covered

Unique features

Compared to other publications covering the same area, this one:

  1. Provides the most detailed maps - taking the guesswork out of navigating your way to the best sites

  1. Includes GPS co-ordinates to help you find the right turnings, parking spaces or viewing points

  1. Highlights the best areas only - and summarises the key attraction in the first paragraph so you can easily decide whether to read on or bother to visit the site

  1. Has a map on the inside cover which serves as an index so you can easily find any site in the book

  1. Is light and portable (and cheap)

  1. Is supplemented by the site pages in this website (which include photos of many of the locations)

  1. Is updated in the free update pages on this website, giving details of what other birders have found at these sites

Online updates

To find, or indeed contribute to, updates and additions to the book click here

See some of these sites on a DVD

A book can provide lots of information but nothing gives you a better idea of what a place is really like than a DVD. Click here for details of the DVD which supplements parts of the book perfectly.

Finding Birds in Eastern Andalucia

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